Photo credit: Harry Potter: Hogwarts and the Whomping Willow by Raven-Painter
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
As I slept last night I was visited by the crystal ball. I awoke to find it hovering in front of my face. I immediately felt a sense of calm. I knew it meant me no harm. As I lay there and gazed into it I could see the gasses inside swirling around. Then I heard a voice in my head say "We are Simbion." Without speaking I could ask questions. I asked, "What is Simbion?"
I was told by a voice that sounded like many talking at once, "We are children of the light."
I asked, "Children of the lightning bolts?"
Again, told, "We are children of the light."
I asked, "Are you here to cause harm to the school and its people?"
The response was, "No we are not."
I asked, "What is your intent?"
"To explore this world," was the response. I could feel a warmth flowing over me that I had not felt before. I believe it was trying to make me comfortable. I was asking my next question when It interrupted.
"We will be in touch, look for us in the willow, that is where we rest." For now it seems we are in no harm from the sphere. Please do not engage the Simbions for now. Let them come to us.
Headmaster Dumbledore