Photo credit: The Great Hall by Eliott-Chacoco
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
Well, it seems everyone overslept this morning and we all awoke about the same time. Upon further investigation, we all had similar dreams last night. In my dream we all had awoke and gone to breakfast in the Great Hall and no food was served. Looking into the kitchens there were no house elves to be found. As I walked from the kitchen area back into the Great Hall, all the students rose as if they where in a trance and walked out of the hall. Quietly following them, they all walked toward the room where the crystal ball was being stored. One by one I watched as they walked into the room, disappearing before my eyes. In my dream I was paralyzed, I could not help, and I was panicked as they all disappeared one by one. Was this dream of things to come or was it just a dream? I do not know. Today will be one of reflection and investigation. There has to be a answer for all this.
Headmaster Dumbledore