Harry Potter fabric by the yard is perfect for people who sew or craft. I am not one of those people so it never occurred to me that there was material inspired by Harry's wizarding world.
Then I saw the skirt someone made and my eyes were opened to the possibilities out there for someone who is crafty or can sew. Sadly, that isn't me, but I'm sure that there are many of you will come up with wonderful creations using any of the designs available.
There are so many different things you can do with the fabric, from making skirts, shirts, and dresses to pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, and so much more, there is sure to be the perfect fabric for your project. Have fun with your with whatever you decide to make!
Up above I said that I saw a skirt made by someone. That someone is Amie S. and she has kindly allowed me to share the picture of her skirt, along with a few other pictures. Thank you, Amie!