Photo credit: Albus Dumbledore
Good afternoon Students and Staff:
Another story from my past. As a young boy growing up with one muggle born and one magic born parent, for a while I did not know who I was. There was a time when things would happen or dreams would tell me that something was different about my life. I remember often dreaming of flying and how the world looked different from the skies.
I once woke up from one of these dreams levitated from my bed. I woke to find myself pressed against the ceiling of my room. Shocked when I awoke I immediately fell back onto my bed. As I lay there I wondered if it had been part of the dream? I could not fly.
As time went on things actually got worse for me, things would happen for no apparent reason. I once was mad at my younger brother Aberforth and levitated a bowl of pea soup over his head and spilt it upon him. Mother was so mad!
Soon after that I was sat down and explained that I was a wizard. Told that it carried responsibilities that I must control. Old enough to know better and young enough to not, these words would not always do me well, but that is another story. Some of them haunt me to this day.
My small point of this story is to let you know that things will happen in our lives and that we have choices. We will not always chose right. It is part of living life but always remember that we can fly! Even if it is in our dreams. We can always find a way to make things right for ourselves. All one needs to do is start looking for the answers.
Warmest holiday greetings,
Headmaster Dumbledore