Photo credit: Firm with him by Madtwinsart
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
Hagrid and I went to The Forbidden Forest yesterday and where met by a large group of forest dwellers. All of them seemed as confused by the fire as us. It seems that during the night the fire shoots up from the tree tops and by day the fire shoots from the tree tops to the ground, but if the flame touches you it does not burn or do harm. Fascinating! Nothing is burnt yet the flames are real. The heat can be felt but no damage or pain is inflicted. Hagrid and I both where struck while in the forest but no harm was done. Further investigation will be had but for now we are all safe. Madam Hooch's flying classes will be altered so no student fly to close to The Forbidden Forest, just in case things change. For now classes are as scheduled.
Headmaster Dumbledore