Photo credit: Drunking ButterBeer by LittleNinni
It is Game Day Students and Faculty:
A real game this time. Slytherin takes on Gryffindor. This should be a very heated game. Dirk Shackelbolt says Gryffindor is in shape to take the field today! Percy Misery says Slytherin is going to send Gryffindor back to the boiling kettle of vile that it came from. Words, words, words. We will see who is the better team hopefully by the end of day. Game starts 1:11 pm sharp. Bring you pride with you to the game it is shaping up to be a good one! As a treat for such good behavior this week. A charm has been placed on every guest to receive one free Butterbeer. The charm will turn the person orange until the butter beer is consumed. At that point you will turn back to your own color. Enjoy the day.
Warm regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore