Photo credit: Quidditch Team Poster: Hufflepuff by TheLadyAvatar
Greetings This Beautiful Morning Students and Faculty:
It was an exciting day yesterday with all representing their houses with pride and honor. The day was met with well regulated sportsmanship and students participating manners in place. It makes my heart proud to lead this amazing school of such well behaved young men and women. It was a tight race between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, but at the end of day Hufflepuff led their house to victory. Well done Hufflepuff. As promised, the day will be for all Hufflepuffs to do with as they will. Teachers will be aware that Hufflepuff students will not be attending class today. Enjoy the your day. Now, with that being said, by Headmaster decree: "All other students will be let out from classes after lunch for the rest of the day to enjoy with all of your friends that are off." All shall be rewarded for manners and courtesy to others.
Warm regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore