Photo credit: [Detective Conan - Harry Potter Crossover] by StaryVu
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
The universe is wonderful creation. All is well. Today is House Pride Day. There will be competitions designed for each one. Students will compete within and against other houses. Both physical and mental skills will be tested. Some of the competitions will be broom riding skills, potions knowledge, and spell casting. This is an event I am very excited about as it brings all houses together, letting everyone contribute with their skills. A good time to be had by all. Competitions will be ongoing all day. I and other teachers will be officials judging the tasks at hand. The wining house will be given a day off from classes to do as they want. We will meet in the Great hall at 8:34 am sharp for the beginning task for each house. Good luck to all! Now show that house pride!
Headmaster Dumbledore