Photo credit: HP7 Spoiler page 519 by Tacaret
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
Early this morning I was summoned by the Ministry of Magic. I must leave the school for a while. I do not know when I will return. I will try, when I can, to update you on my travels. Unrelated to my travels, dear Sybill, or Professor Trelawney as most know her, is in a fit. She keeps coming to me telling me she needs to hold the crystal ball that was struck by lightning in her class room. At this time we do not think it wise to let her. The crystal ball seems to have a power inside it that could be dangerous. The shield is holding and it seems to be at rest. So for now we will wait until I return and be prepared for what could happen. Take care of yourselves and mind your teachers while I am away.
Warm regards,
Headmaster Dumbledore