Photo credit: Madame Poppy Pomfrey by clarissacorradin
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
Last night proved to be interesting indeed. As of this morning, Christine Castleberry is alive and well. In the early morning hours she descended the staircase to the 5th floor and stopped at the base. She turned toward Minister Shacklebolt and spoke to him. She said "I am alright now". At that time Miss Castleberry seemed to return to our dimension. Her movements and speech where normal. Upon questioning she said she was never in any pain and was in a dreamlike state most of the time. Very surreal. Only aware of us being there toward the end. Miss Castleberry does not know what happened to her. She said time passed in what she thought was minutes not knowing what time or day it was. As for now we do not know what caused this to happen to Miss Castleberry, but we will be looking into it. She is under the care of Madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing, getting some much needed rest. Visitors will be allowed later in the afternoon. Enjoy your day.
Headmaster Dumbledore