Photo credit: Self Portrait, Hogwarts Style by Alkanet
Good Morning Students and Faculty:
Something has happened this morning. Student Christine Castleberry has been found on the 6th floor in a temporal causality loop. She was found this morning by Mr. Filch on his rounds. Miss Castleberry is repeating the same three steps over and over. In her motions there is no rush, just a normal walk. She seems to be heading down the hall, to nowhere in particular. She goes forward three steps, backs up, repeats. There is no sign of a of a time turner but upon trying to physically interact with Miss Castleberry we are repelled by a invisible field around her. Trying a few spells and charms have had no effect as of yet. For now the area has been cordoned off. Students please stay away from this area while we investigate. I will update you when I have more information.
Headmaster Dumbledore