This is a picture of me in front of Hogwarts Castle at Universal Studios. I think my hair looks a little funny because it was a really hot day and it was pulled back in a ponytail.
My name is Rochelle and I am many things: wife, mom, avid reader, website creator, and a huge Harry Potter fan! For years now I have loved both the stories and the movies, though I confess to loving the stories more. They are just so much richer than the movies could ever be. Having said that, the movies brought us amazing cinematography, and a collection of soundtracks that are among my very favorite pieces of music.
The thought of creating a Harry Potter website is something that had been percolating in the back of my mind for a while. One day I decided I was going to finally create it, and here it is.
My goal for this site is to make it the only place you need to go to get the latest news and information on anything relating to Harry Potter and his universe. To that end I will work hard to share the latest news and anything else that other fans would also want to know.
I’ve also gathered together some of the best items that you can buy. Most of the items are sold on Amazon.com, which is arguably the greatest online retailer in the world. It is my hope that you will be able to find things that you are looking for, as well as something that you didn’t know existed yet just had to have after you found out it did! That item for me is the Maurader’s map blanket.
Which Came First For Me – The Books or The Movies?

Here I am building a Harry Potter Lego castle set
It’s funny, but I don’t remember if I was introduced to Harry and his world from a book or a movie. What I do remember is that my very dearest friend Kathy told me some time in 2000 to read these. She had however many books had been published at that point and had read them to her three young children. As in out loud. She told me that I would love them.
Sadly Kathy passed away a year after she told me to read these magical books. I think it was her death that prompted me to finally check them out. If Kathy thought I would like this series of stories then it was time for me to find out if she was right. Turns out that she was. I fell in love with Harry and his friends from the moment I met them. I am deeply saddened that the two of us never had a chance to talk about the books, discuss what secrets were hidden within the pages, or guess what might be coming in the next book to be published.
As I said, I was completely smitten with the books and movies (and music!) right away. Today, I adore just about anything to do with Harry’s world, and my recent passion has been the Lego sets. If only I had known about them before 2012, which was after Lego stopped producing new sets! I bought as many new sets as I could, then turned to eBay for more. This is a pricey hobby, and I don’t have nearly as many sets as I would like. Some day, perhaps, I will have them all.
I hope you enjoy browsing through this site as much as I have enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) making it!
~ Rochelle